Tulo Beauty Offers Private Space for Clients Experiencing Hair Loss
I remember the moment when my oncologist began to explain that the chemotherapy treatment I was going to receive was going to make me lose my hair. I thought to myself, “ I got this. I wanted to live more than anything and losing my hair is minor, right?"
Cancer is like hopping on the scariest roller coaster at your favorite amusement park and just imagine that it never stops, it just keeps going around and around. It is the best way I can describe my experience with the whole ordeal. Let alone is your body fighting internally but you wind up bald on top of it! I did not want to sit in a busy salon and have my head shaved either. A dear hairstylist friend came over and shaved my head in my bathroom. I was truly traumatized by the encounter. In that moment, I vowed to help change the experience for others experiencing the same issues.
From cancer to alopecia, losing one's hair can cause emotional distress and can greatly dismantle our self-image. As a beauty professional wanting to extend self–image expertise to clients, I realize the importance of offering a space to consult and find solutions in a beautiful, private and welcoming setting.
Appointments can be made can be made at 612-617-2011 or at TuloBeauty@gmail.com
Please mention "Specialty Service" when booking a consultation or service to reserve a private experience.