Gifts with Impact for the Season

We are entering the time of year for gift giving! It's an exciting time, to see our loved ones and exchange cheer and gifts with family and friends. The gift part can become stressful, and quite honestly, lack meaning. Putting purpose in your gift giving can change everything! Why not purchase from companies that give back to interests such as cancer, hunger, animals, the environment and others. I have provided just a few of the many great companies that give back from your purchases this holiday season!

Love Your Melon
50% of the net profit from the sales of all Love Your Melon products is given to the Love Your Melon Fund to support or nonprofit partners in the first fight against pediatric cancer, create therapeutic experiences and fund charitable programming initiatives for children and families battling cancer.


This clothing company features unique tees, tanks, joggers and vegan leather. The company describes itself as excuding an unmistakable “laxed edge suitable for the bed or the bar.” 10% of the company’s net proceeds go to pediatric cancer and animal welfare.

Stella and Dot

Illuminate Cuff Bracelet: The bracelet is a gold plated cuff with woven accents with 100% of the net proceeds benefiting the maternal earth efforts of Every Mother counts. Inside the bracelet you’ll find the words “mother, sister, daughter” embossed in three languages, making this a perfect gift.