3 Things to Know About Brow Wigs

I have been in the beauty industry for almost 20 years, and was elated when I came across actual brow wigs! When I went through chemo treatments back in 2005, there were very few options, except to draw brows on. Brow wigs are great for anyone going thru chemotherapy treatments, have Alopecia or very fine, thin brows. In 2017, more than ever, the beauty industry has catapulted itself into expanding the brow market. Here is a simple break-down of what brow wigs are, how to apply and where to purchase.

What are brow wigs?

These little beauty gems consist of 100% human hair that is delicately woven into an ultra thin mesh. They are available for men and women and come in a variety of shapes and shades.

How do I apply brow wigs?

Brow wigs are applied by placing clear adhesive on the back of the brows, position and press on.   The websites that retail brow wigs provide great videos to take you thru step by step on color, shape and how to apply.

What is the best brand of brow wigs?  

The brow wig market is ever expanding 2017; some of the best brands to date are www.finaltouchbrows.com, www.headcovers.com